Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Have you been injured in a car accident as a driver or passenger through no fault of your own? There are several important things you need to do right after a car accident to protect your rights.
  • Take pictures at the scene! It is very important that you to take pictures at the scene of the accident.  These pictures can be very helpful to prove your case.  
  • Report ALL your injuries to first-responders and emergency personnel.  It is extremely important that all injuries suffered as a result of the accident are well-documented.  Report all symptoms, such as: headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, or neck, back or shoulder pain.
  • Seek medical treatment right away.  Even if you feel your injuries are only minor right after your accident, see your doctor right away.  Many injuries that at first appear to be minor can later cause significant long-lasting pain.  
  • Never give any written or recorded statements to an insurance adjuster or sign anything from an insurance company, especially a release.  Never give any “statements” of any kind to an insurance adjuster or anyone besides the investigating officer at the scene until you have consulted with an attorney.  
  • It is important to notify YOUR insurance company immediately of the accident.  It is ok to tell them you have been in an accident, but keep it short until you have talked to an attorney.
  • Keep good records of your injuries, treatment, medication and out-of-pocket expenses.  
  • Obtain a copy of your police report.

Recovering from a car accident can be a very upsetting and confusing experience. After you've been in a car accident, talk to an experienced personal injury attorney.

I’m attorney Eric Rudolph at (760) 702-4046 and at EARattorney@gmail.com with Your Legal Buzz.

And please visit my website at www.RudolphLegal.com and my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/RudolphLegal.

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