Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Have you been the victim of identity theft?  Do you know what identity theft really is and how it can affect you?  It happens to people just like you every day.  Don't let it happen to you!

Identity theft is the unauthorized use of someone’s personal data (like social security numbers, passports or driver’s license) for unlawful purposes, such as to obtain credit cards or credit loans.

Identity theft strikes 8.3 million Americans each year and costs businesses and consumers billions of dollars.

Identity theft can occur from your trash, stolen purses or wallets, or the “skimming” or taking of encoded information directly from your credit cards or your credit card receipts.

And watch out for "phishing"!  Phishing is the use of misleading e-mails and fraudulent websites to trick users into revealing personal financial data online.  Never give your personal financial information out on the web unless you know and trust the website.  This is the fastest growing area of identity theft.

If you fall victim to identity theft:
  • Contact the credit 3 big credit agencies and put a fraud alert on your credit report
  • File a police report immediately
  • File a complaint with the federal trade commission and fill out an ID theft affidavit and send it by certified mail to all businesses where any new account was opened
Report fraud right away - don't wait!  And request a free copy of your credit report each year.

I’m attorney Eric Rudolph at (760) 702-4046 and at with Your Legal Buzz.

And please visit my website at and my Facebook page at

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