Monday, March 12, 2012


What Should I Do Right After My Accident or Injury?

Have you been injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness or negligence?  If so, here are some very important steps to take when you've been injured to help make sure your claim is settled fairly and quickly:

·         Seek medical treatment as soon as possible for your injuries; even if you are taken to the emergency room from the scene of the accident, see your primary care physician right away to be referred for tests, obtain required prescriptions for pain and any referrals for additional treatment, including physical therapy or chiropractic treatment;
·         Take photographs at the scene of the car accident or injury scene and any damaged personal belongings; take photographs of any visible injuries such as bruises or cuts;
·         As soon as possible, write down everything you remember about the accident, including when and where the accident occurred, the names, addresses and phone numbers all parties involved and any witnesses; and all insurance information for other parties;
·         Talk to a California personal injury lawyer before making any statements, written or verbal, to insurance company adjusters or representatives;  you may talk to your own insurance company (and you should always report an accident to your own insurance company), but never talk to the other parties’ insurance company representatives until you have talked to a California personal injury attorney;
·         Get a copy of the police report when it is available – this report is very important to your attorney.

How Do I Figure Out Who Is at Fault?

In most cases, you must prove the person who caused the injury was negligent and that he or she did not use reasonable care. In California, you must prove:

·         The person who caused your injury owed you a duty of care;
·         The other person broke or breached that duty of care;
·         The other person's failure caused your injury;
·         You suffered damages (you must have damages!).

Under California's comparative negligence law, if your carelessness or negligence in some way helped cause your injuries, the amount you may recover could be reduced by your degree of fault; but this is not always the case so talk to an attorney first even if you think you may have contributed to your injuries.

Under California's joint and several liability rules, all parties responsible for your injuries are responsible for all of your economic damages. These include medical expenses and lost wages. Each person may be forced to pay all of your damages regardless of their degree of fault.

The law is different for noneconomic damages. These include pain and suffering and emotional distress. These damages are split between those who caused your injuries according to their degree of fault.

What Is My Claim Worth?

Under California law, the person who caused your injury is responsible for:

·         Past, current and future estimated medical expenses
·         Time lost from work, including time spent going to medical appointments or therapy
·         Any property that was damaged, such as your vehicle or personal items in your vehicle
·         The cost of hiring someone to do household chores when you couldn't do them
·         Any permanent disfigurement or disability
·         Your emotional distress, including anxiety, depression and any interference with your family relationships
·         Any other costs that are a direct result of your injury

How Long Do I Have to File a Legal Claim?

In most California personal injury cases, you only have two years to file a lawsuit against the person or persons who caused your injuries. If your attorney has not been able to come to a settlement agreement with the responsible parties’ insurance companies or the parties themselves, you definitely want to file a lawsuit before the two-year statute of limitations runs out.

For more information on your personal injury claim, visit our website at and contact us.

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